VAST 2006 Contest - A Tale of Alderwood

TitleVAST 2006 Contest - A Tale of Alderwood
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsGrinstein G, O'Connell T, Laskowski S, Plaisant C, Scholtz J, Whiting M
Conference NameVisual Analytics Science And Technology, 2006 IEEE Symposium On
Date Published2006/11/31/2
KeywordsAlderwood;human, analysis;data, analytics, and, contest;data, information, interaction;sense, making;visual, Science, technology, visualisation;

Visual analytics experts realize that one effective way to push the field forward and to develop metrics for measuring the performance of various visual analytics components is to hold an annual competition. The first visual analytics science and technology (VAST) contest was held in conjunction with the 2006 IEEE VAST Symposium. The competition entailed the identification of possible political shenanigans in the fictitious town of Alderwood. A synthetic data set was made available as well as tasks. We summarize how we prepared and advertised the contest, developed some initial metrics for evaluation, and selected the winners. The winners were invited to participate at an additional live competition at the symposium to provide them with feedback from senior analysts
