Journal Articles


Abdelkader MF, Roy-Chowdhury AK, Chellappa R, Akdemir U. Activity representation using 3D shape models. J. Image Video Process.. 2008;2008:5:1-5:16-5:1-5:16.
Kochut A, Agrawala AK, Larsen RL, Shankar UA. AD (Attacker Defender) Game. Technical Reports from UMIACS, UMIACS-TR-2001-45. 2002.
Weinrich M, Sutton GG, Reggia JA, D'Autrechy CL. Adaptation of noncompetitive and competitive neural networks to focal lesions. Journal of Artificial Neural Networks. 1994;1:51-60.
Gaston M, Simmons J, desJardins M. Adapting network structure for efficient team formation. Proceedings of the AAAI 2004 Fall Symposium on Artificial Multi-agent Learning. 2004.
Hicks MW, Foster JS. Adapting Scrum to Managing a Research Group. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department. 2010.
Jung J, O'Leary DP, Tits A'. Adaptive Constraint Reduction for Convex Quadratic Programming. Computational Optimization and Applications. 2010.
Jung J, O'Leary DP, Tits A'. Adaptive Constraint Reduction for Training Support Vector Machines. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. 2008;31:156-177.
He S, M. Wu. Adaptive Detection for Group-Based Multimedia Fingerprinting. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE. 2007;14(12):964-967.
Ma H, Doermann D. Adaptive Hindi OCRUsing Generalized Hausdorff Image Comparison. ACMTransactions on Asian Language Information Processing. 2004;26(2):198-213.
Mahajan A, Mundur P, Joshi A. Adaptive Multimedia System Architecture for Improving QoS inWireless Networks. Advances in Multimedia Information Processing—PCM 2002. 2002:37-47.
Bright L, Gal A, Raschid L. Adaptive pull-based policies for wide area data delivery. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS). 2006;31(2):631-671.
Deshpande A, Ives Z, Raman V. Adaptive query processing. Foundations and Trends in Databases. 2007;1(1):1-140.
Hellerstein JM, Franklin MJ, Chandrasekaran S, Deshpande A, Hildrum K, Madden S, et al. Adaptive query processing: Technology in evolution. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 2000;23(2):7-18.
Xia JC, El-Sana J, Varshney A. Adaptive real-time level-of-detail based rendering for polygonal models. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 1997;3(2):171-183.
Broadwater JB, Chellappa R. Adaptive Threshold Estimation via Extreme Value Theory. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 2010;58(2):490-500.
Garay JA, Katz J, Kumaresan R, Zhou HS. Adaptively secure broadcast, revisited. Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. 2011.
Canetti R, Halevi S, Katz J. Adaptively-secure, non-interactive public-key encryption. Theory of Cryptography. 2005:150-168.
Boyd-Graber J, Fellbaum C, Osherson D, Schapire R. Adding dense, weighted connections to wordnet. Proceedings of the Third International WordNet Conference. 2006:29-36.
Roussopoulos N, Economou N, Stamenas A. ADMS: a testbed for incremental access methods. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 1993;5(5):762-774.
Tistarelli M, Li SZ, Chellappa R. Advanced Technologies for Touchless Fingerprint Recognition. Handbook of Remote Biometrics. 2009:83-109.
Peters C, Jijkoun V, Mandl T, Müller H, Oard D, Peñas A, et al. Advances in multilingual and multimodal information retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008;5152.
El-Sayed NM, Bartholomeu D, Ivens A, Johnston DA, LoVerde PT. Advances in schistosome genomics. Trends in Parasitology. 2004;20(4):154-157.
Zelkowitz MV. Advances in software engineering resource estimation. Advances in computer programming management. 1980;1:206-225.
Chellappa R, Turaga P. Advances in Video-Based Biometrics. Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics. 2011;83:183-203.
Cheng AS, Fleischmann KR, Wang P, Oard D. Advancing social science research by applying computational linguistics. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2008;45(1):1-12.
Costello L, Grinstein G, Plaisant C, Scholtz J. Advancing User-Centered Evaluation of Visual Analytic Environments Through Contests. Information VisualizationInformation Visualization. 2009;8(3):230-238.
Ramanathan N, Chellappa R, Biswas S. Age progression in human faces: A survey. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 2009;15:3349-3361.
Brown DG, Page SE, Riolo R, Rand W. Agent-based and analytical modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of greenbelts. Environmental Modelling & Software. 2004;19(12):1097-1109.
Rand W, Rust RT. Agent-based modeling in marketing: Guidelines for rigor. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 2011;28(3):181-193.
Ertugay O, Hicks MW, Smith J, Kornblum J. Agents in Network Management. Technical Reports (CIS). 2000.
Sánchez AJ, Etzioni O, Kautz H, Lieberman H, Shneiderman B. Agents vs. direct manipulation: what's best to disentangle the Web? Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking. 1999;31(11-16):1765-1767.
Katz J, Lindell A. Aggregate message authentication codes. Topics in Cryptology–CT-RSA 2008. 2008:155-169.
Lin HC, Goldstein S, Mendelowitz L, Zhou S, Wetzel J, Schwartz DC, et al. AGORA: Assembly Guided by Optical Restriction Alignment. BMC bioinformatics. 2012;13(1).
Horvitz E, Getoor L, Guestrin C, Hendler J, Konstan J, Subramanian D, et al. AI Theory and Practice: A Discussion on Hard Challenges and Opportunities Ahead. AI Magazine. 2010;31(3):103-114.
