Construction of Chinese-English Semantic Hierarchy for Information Retrieval

TitleConstruction of Chinese-English Semantic Hierarchy for Information Retrieval
Publication TypeReports
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsLevow GA, Dorr BJ, Lin D
Date Published2000///
InstitutionInstititue for Advanced Computer Studies, Univ of Maryland, College Park

This paper describes an approach to large-scale construction of a semantic hierarchyfor Chinese verbs. Leveraging off of an existing Chinese conceptual databased called
HowNet and a Levin-based Egnlish verb classification, we use thematic-role information
to create links between Chinese concepts and English classes. The resulting hierarchy is
used for multilingual lexicons in an English-Chinese cross-language information retrieval
application. We demonstrate a structured syntax interface that exploits this large-scale
hierarchy and its linages to WordNet for English-Chinese cross-language information re-